
1 877 4-LEATHER,
519 853-1031
49 Eastern Avenue
Acton, Ontario L7J 2E6

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=49+Eastern+Avenue,+Acton,+Ontario&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=39.86519,61.171875&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=49+Eastern+Ave,+Acton,+Ontario+L7J+2E6,+Canada&t=m&ll=43.632969,-80.034628&spn=0.029819,0.054932&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=640&h=480]

49 Eastern Avenue, Acton, Ontario:

From Toronto: the main route to take is Hwy 401 Westbound and exit at regional Hwy 25 and go north to Hwy 7. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.

From North of Toronto: take Hwy 7 Westbound right into town or Hwy 407 Westbound to the 401 west and exit at regional Hwy 25 north. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.

From South of Toronto: take Hwy 403 Westbound or the QEW Westbound to regional Hwy 25 (also called Bronte Road) and go north past Milton. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.

From the Burlington, Hamilton area: there are of course numerous ways of getting here, but the easiest is the following: Take the QEW Eastbound and Exit at regional Hwy 25 (also called Bronte Road). Go north through Milton along Hwy 25 till you reach Acton. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.

From the Niagara, Buffalo area: Take the QEW Eastbound and Exit at regional Hwy 25 (also called Bronte Road). Go north through Milton along Hwy 25 till you reach Acton. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.

From the Kitchener-Waterloo area: You can take Hwy 7 Eastbound through Guelph, which brings you right into town. When in Acton you will turn left at the stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue. or: Take Hwy 401 Eastbound and exit at Hwy 25 and go north to Hwy 7. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.

From the Barrie area: Take Hwy 400 Southbound to Hwy 401 west. Exit at regional Hwy 25 and go north till you reach Acton. When in Acton turn right at the first set of stoplights at Mill Street. Go east on Mill for five blocks then turn right onto Eastern Avenue.